Weve received amazing feedback from our great Hygienists:

‘It has been an absolute pleasure working for you Glenda. Your support, advice and encouragement have made me proud to be part of your team. My confidence has grown so much in the last few months and I now feel at ease working in different surgeries for different dentists, something I was really scared of in the beginning. You get so used to a place and your comfort zone. The only regret is that I didn’t come to work for you a long time ago!!!’

‘Thank you for all the things that you have given me, work, advice and help when I needed it the most. Thank you for trusting me to work on behalf of Fill the Gap.’

“You have the Hygienist’s best interests at heart and that’s what makes you special. You understand ‘burn out’ and how easily it can make you want to pack it in. Knowing you can put someone in to give the hygienists a break to recharge or whatever makes all the difference – and as you see the dentists are catching on to this!”

“It is and has been a pleasure working with you and I have felt happier in my job than I have for a long time. Knowing you have someone there to offer support and advice has gone a long way with me. You have restored my faith in my job again.”

“Please convey my thoughts on Fill the Gap... maybe there are Hygienists out there in a rut and scared to move (like I was) Maybe reading this will help them to come on board.”

“I love the way that you actually care about your Hygienists. It’s great to see how you care about where you put us! Thanks for all your support!”

“You still remain my best boss ever!!”

“Working with Fill the Gap has extended my experience and confidence as a Dental Hygienist. Mixing locum work with a permanent position has given me the work flexibility I hoped for. Glenda ensures quality positions with great working conditions and the info she provides makes it so easy to step into each job feeling competent. I always feel I am appreciated at every placement I attend. It is great to experience different working environments each day.”

“I have been part of the Fill the Gap team now for 4 years. Every practice which I have locumed at have been personally handpicked and assessed by Glenda. All are of a high standard and very professional. I have always been respected and treated well professionally and personally by Glenda and the practices. Glenda is non negotiable on the treatment of her contractors and takes an active interest in each one. She is a mentor to me and all of her staff. No issue is ever off limits. I really enjoy being part of this quality team, especially as all negotiations are done by Glenda and everyone is on the same page from day one. It’s a seamless operation where everyone knows where they stand”